South Australian Medical Heritage Society Inc

Website for the Virtual Museum


Past meetings

About the

Galleries of the Virtual Museum

Main Galleries

Hospitals,other    organisations
Individuals of    note

Small Galleries


Ethnic medicine
     - Aboriginal
     - Chinese
     - Mediterran

Past meetings






2009 May 27 History Week, presented by the History Societies of hospitals in Adelaide and a number of individual members of the SAMHA (in conjunction with Society of History of Ideas, Technology and Science) Staff dining room Glenside Campus
  Apr 30 Prof Wayne Sampson Head of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Adelaide, Curator of the PR Begg Museum

History of Dentistry in South Australia – early days


Feb 26

Prof Bob Goldney

Professor and Head of Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide

Glenside Hospital: an historical perspective including its role in the treatment of Depression

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital



August 28

Robert George (President of ISRRT)

"The Role of the Braggs in develop-
ment of x-rays in South Australia and
the Royal Institution"

Hayward Room Public Schools Club (Bragg House) 207 East Terrace, Adelaide (city)


July 21

(1) Ms Linda Wurfel

"The Dust Museum in Amsterdam'

Board Room of the Womens and Childrens Hospital



(2) Dr. Michael Patkin


"Wellcome" - The Real and Virtual Museum'


  June 10 Alvis Jaunzems >"Light & Electron Microscopy, History & Advances"


Histopathology Dept. Adelaide Childrens' Hospital



May 21

History Week Exhibition


(in conjunction with Society of History of Ideas, Technology and Science)



March 27

Dr Robert Cooter

"Air Doctors of South Australia ( Bush Church Aid Port Augusta and BCA Ceduna Society) RFDS'

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital



Donald Beard FRACS

"Remeniscences of Sir Henry Newland"




Dec 7


Dr Toby Coates

"Renal Dialysis and Transplants early days and present"

Calvary Hospital



Aug 14

Dr Thomas Stevenson

"History of Orthopaedic Surgery in South Australia"

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital



July 19

Dr Peter Last

"Repatriation Hospitals"

Repatriation Hospital - Daws Road, Daw Park


May 23

History Week Display

"Then & now in Medicine"

Glenside Campus


Feb 27

Dr Richard Brock

"The Life & achievements of Howard Florey"

The Florey Clinic, 3 Pulsford Road, Prospect


Jan 22

Dr Brian Fotheringham

Heraldry of the Coat of Arms of the Adelaide Childrens' Hospital"

Mr Graham Truman (host) at Samual Way Building, Women & Childrens' Hospital



Nov 21

Dr Robert Cooter

"Amoebic Meningitis in Port Augusta & Environs"

Pharmaceutical Society of Australia - 149, Greenhill Road, Unley

July 17

Mr Paul McLarkin

"Design & Manufacture of glass eyes"

Calvary Hospital


2005 Sep Dr. W.R. Fuller A History of General Anaesthesia - the first 100 Years  

